Episode 73

Find Your Inner Hero: How Adam Jablin Overcame Fear and Addiction

Are you stuck in a cycle of unhealthy habits and wondering why you can't break free, no matter how hard you try?

If you find yourself repeating the same old patterns, battling with addiction, or sabotaging your own success, you're not alone. Many people struggle with underlying fears that drive these behaviors—fears they may not even be aware of.

Imagine a life where you can finally break free from those chains, where you can overcome the fears holding you back and step into your full potential. This isn't just a dream—it's possible with the right guidance and mindset.


  • How fear, whether it’s the fear of change, failure, or even success, keeps you trapped in your comfort zone.
  • The powerful story of Adam Jablin, who triumphed over his addictions to become a successful recovery and performance coach.
  • Practical steps to identify and release old stories, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve you.

This week on Unshakable Habits, host Stephen Box dives deep with Adam Jablin to uncover the transformative journey from fear to freedom. Trust us—you won’t want to miss a minute of it.

Connect with Adam: https://adamjablin.com/

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Stephen Box:

If you desire to create a better life, but you find yourself

Stephen Box:

constantly going back to the same stories, the same beliefs, the same

Stephen Box:

old patterns, the same addictions, then you are in the right place.

Stephen Box:

This week on Unshakable Habits, I have a special guest, the founder

Stephen Box:

and creator of The Hero Project, Mr.

Stephen Box:

Adam Jablin.

Stephen Box:

And Adam's going to talk to us about his own story of recovery and share

Stephen Box:

how fear is really the driving force.

Stephen Box:

Behind this struggle.

Stephen Box:

And that's coming up next, right here on Unshakable Habit.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back.

Stephen Box:

This is episode number 73 of Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

I am your host Stephen Box, and this week we're gonna be talking about fear.

Stephen Box:

Whether it is the fear of change, the fear of failure, or even the fear of success.

Stephen Box:

And more specifically, we're going to talk about how that fear often

Stephen Box:

manifests itself as us wanting to stay in our comfort zone of the past.

Stephen Box:

So we keep telling ourselves the same stories and the same beliefs

Stephen Box:

and following the same patterns and falling into the same addictions.

Stephen Box:

This week, I have a special guest with me, Mr.

Stephen Box:

Adam Jablin, who is a renowned recovery and performance coach.

Stephen Box:

Welcome Best selling author and keynote speaker.

Stephen Box:

He's been featured on ESPN, FOX, CNBC, TNT, BDT, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS.

Stephen Box:

His mission and purpose is to free people from addictions.

Stephen Box:

Faulty Dependencies, Fears, Doubt, and Anxiety.

Stephen Box:

Adam ignites the hero within so you can be fully alive.

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He's the founder and creator of The Hero Project, a high level coaching program

Stephen Box:

that has helped thousands of people.

Stephen Box:

The work focuses on empowering individuals to take control of their lives, mentally,

Stephen Box:

spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Stephen Box:

So you guys can see why I thought Adam would be a great guest, because

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we have a lot of alignment there.

Stephen Box:

Adam's own personal journey of triumph over alcoholism and addiction

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awakened his abilities to help other people rediscover their true selves

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and experience life to the fullest.

Stephen Box:

So I'm very excited to I wanted to introduce you guys to Adam today,

Stephen Box:

but before I do that, I just wanted to quickly share with you a little

Stephen Box:

personal insight here about this.

Stephen Box:

Some of you may have heard the story before, a lot of you may not have,

Stephen Box:

but the short version of the story is growing up, I was bullied and it

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created a situation for me where I really took on this mentality of I

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need to be better than other people.

Stephen Box:

I need to show people that they're wrong about me.

Stephen Box:

I need to be able to defend myself.

Stephen Box:

And the best way to defend myself was this mindset and philosophy of the

Stephen Box:

best defense is a good offense, right?

Stephen Box:

And from that standpoint, I had a very aggressive personality.

Stephen Box:

We'll just put it that way because that's the nice way to say it right now.

Stephen Box:

I was a jerk.

Stephen Box:

It's the other way to say it, right?

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I was very successful in what I did.

Stephen Box:

I was very good at sales, and there came a point in my career where I was being

Stephen Box:

held back because of my personality.

Stephen Box:

I wasn't getting opportunities to advance in leadership and be able to

Stephen Box:

earn more income and do bigger things.

Stephen Box:

Because of my personality, it wasn't a good mesh for leadership.

Stephen Box:

And I knew that it was a problem.

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I knew I needed to make changes, but my identity was so ingrained at that

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point where I felt like, Hey, if I stop being this way, what happens, right?

Stephen Box:

Those ghosts of being bullied started to come back to haunt me a little bit,

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and I was afraid to change and become This less aggressive version of me.

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Now, that doesn't mean I became someone who just People could walk over, whatever.

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I was still very assertive, I still was not afraid to stand up for myself,

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but I had to learn to do it in a much smarter way, and I learned, had to learn

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to become a leader, and thankfully I did, because that's why I ultimately

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became a coach, was those skills I developed during that transition, and

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had I not gone through that experience, I wouldn't be the coach that I am today.

Stephen Box:

But at that moment at that time it was a super scary transition for me.

Stephen Box:

It's so As Adam and I were chatting in our interview, I really just

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felt such a connection to what he was talking about when he started

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talking about these different levels of fear, because I thought about it.

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It's man, that, that's me.

Stephen Box:

I had that, right?

Stephen Box:

I didn't, at the moment, maybe realize it was fear.

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I didn't say Oh, I'm afraid to change.

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Looking back and thinking about the concerns that I

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had, the worries that I had.

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The stories, the beliefs, all that stuff I kept telling myself.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, it was definitely some fear there, even though I didn't

Stephen Box:

recognize that on the surface level.

Stephen Box:

Below the surface, it was definitely there.

Stephen Box:

with that, guys, allow me to introduce you to our guest, not

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just today, but all week long, Mr.

Stephen Box:

Adam Jablin.

Adam Jablin:

Thanks for having me, man.

Adam Jablin:

It's a privilege.

Stephen Box:

So for people who maybe are not familiar with you already,

Stephen Box:

could you just take a few minutes to explain to us a little bit about your

Stephen Box:

story, your background, and what makes you the expert on overcoming fear?

Adam Jablin:

Yeah, my, Background really, I would say starts with my

Adam Jablin:

recovery and my sobriety and I'll be clean and sober 18 years coming in July.

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:

Thank you so much.

Adam Jablin:

Thank you so much.

Adam Jablin:

And within that process of recovery and discovery, all these gifts

Adam Jablin:

and abilities that I didn't even know I had naturally came out.

Adam Jablin:

But also in recovery, you really have to do a deep soul dive into

Adam Jablin:

who you are, how you're made up, how you think, how you act, how

Adam Jablin:

you behave, what your beliefs are.

Adam Jablin:

And when I started really just attracting all these people to help, one moment at

Adam Jablin:

a time, one second at a time, one day at a time, one month at a time, one year

Adam Jablin:

at a time, this became so natural to me.

Adam Jablin:

It just became so natural to me.

Adam Jablin:

And other than what I really found out is we're all addicted to something.

Adam Jablin:

We're all addicted to something.

Adam Jablin:

my story itself has a lot of transition, transformation, triumphs, tragedies,

Adam Jablin:

but one of the things I really found is that people have a hero within them.

Adam Jablin:

They have a hero with it and they just have to let go, finally let

Adam Jablin:

go of the old stories, the old beliefs, the old patterns, the old

Adam Jablin:

addictions, and go on that journey.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

it, I would say what made me an expert was doing it over and over and over again

Adam Jablin:

with A list celebrities, professional athletes, mom and pops, kid, whatever

Adam Jablin:

it is, and each of them getting the result that they were seeking.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

the expertise was built.

Adam Jablin:

Slowly, but surely one step at a time.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I love that.

Stephen Box:

And there's some reinforcing in what you were just talking about there, because

Stephen Box:

I've interviewed a lot of different people and I've heard over and over

Stephen Box:

again about those insecurities, about those doubts from people that you

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would expect would not have them right.

Stephen Box:

People who are very.

Stephen Box:

I've had someone on my show who was a supermodel and she told me

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that models are some of the most insecure people in the world.

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And, we would think the opposite, because we think oh, they're, so beautiful.

Stephen Box:

They must, have all this confidence.

Stephen Box:

And they're super insecure.

Stephen Box:

And I love the fact that you pointed out that even A list celebrities and

Stephen Box:

athletes and everybody else, we all have addictions, we all have these fears,

Stephen Box:

we all have these self doubts, right?

Stephen Box:

We're all human.

Adam Jablin:

We're all human.

Adam Jablin:

And the fear centers in our mind.

Adam Jablin:

That's where it centers.

Adam Jablin:

it can feel like it's in the body, it can feel like it's in the

Adam Jablin:

nervous system, and I get that.

Adam Jablin:

But you feel what you're thinking.

Adam Jablin:

we, all of us from childhood.

Adam Jablin:

to puberty, to, high school, college.

Adam Jablin:

We went through these stories, we went through these trials, we went through

Adam Jablin:

these growing phases that really made us perceive the world in a different

Adam Jablin:

way, and it's a disease of perception.

Stephen Box:

What was that moment for you?

Stephen Box:

Like, where did you start to realize that maybe you had some of these

Stephen Box:

fears that were holding you back, or that you had these addictions

Stephen Box:

that you were dealing with?

Stephen Box:

What was that Kind of wake up moment for you to say, wait, there's something

Stephen Box:

here that I can actually change.

Stephen Box:

I would

Adam Jablin:

have to say it was day nine in rehab, I went to rehab and my

Adam Jablin:

thought process was, I am going to be the most dedicated, disciplined, determined

Adam Jablin:

rehab patient they've ever seen.

Adam Jablin:

And within three or four days, they'll see there's nothing wrong with this guy.

Adam Jablin:

He's a monster.

Adam Jablin:

He's an animal.

Adam Jablin:

Must be family.

Adam Jablin:

Must be the business.

Adam Jablin:

Must be the new baby.

Adam Jablin:

and everything they were teaching me

Adam Jablin:

and backfired on me.

Adam Jablin:

It was cracking me in the center.

Adam Jablin:

And it was true ego deflation, and what happened was I slowly stopped

Adam Jablin:

becoming the old Adam and the I, and the me, and I started becoming the

Adam Jablin:

part of a week, and I was broken, man.

Adam Jablin:

I was broken.

Adam Jablin:

like there was a poster on the wall and I'll never forget it

Adam Jablin:

that said, make the appropriate face with the appropriate emotion.

Adam Jablin:

I always had one face, which was a smile, a wink, don't worry about me.

Adam Jablin:

So I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

Adam Jablin:

I was a phony.

Adam Jablin:

I was full of it.

Adam Jablin:

So every day I learned something new, something about spirituality, something

Adam Jablin:

about mindset, something about what, what real mental fitness is, what physical

Adam Jablin:

fitness really is, but truly also a connection to something greater and.

Adam Jablin:

As I let that old Adam go, he finally died.

Adam Jablin:

Which meant a new Adam was

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

I'm curious Was there a point where you blamed other people or

Stephen Box:

felt like it wasn't your fault?

Adam Jablin:

that's a great way of wording it.

Adam Jablin:

did I think it was not my fault that I think it was other people?

Adam Jablin:

In a way, I don't think my languaging was quite like that.

Adam Jablin:

I think it was more like, can't they see everything I'm doing?

Adam Jablin:

Can't they see all my effort?

Adam Jablin:

Can't they see how much I love them?

Adam Jablin:

Can't they see how much I try?

Adam Jablin:

If everybody would behave this way, the world would get along great.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

so it was really the actor wanting to be the producer and the director and

Adam Jablin:

control all the parts of the play.

Adam Jablin:

It wasn't that I was in such denial that I didn't know that I had a part

Adam Jablin:

or a responsibility in it, but I felt no, I felt like I wasn't seen and I

Adam Jablin:

felt like I wasn't acknowledged and I felt like I wasn't validated, so it

Adam Jablin:

was, through a lot of work, a lot of work with a lot of different people,

Adam Jablin:

specifically my mentor, what I realized was I was not a people pleaser.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

a people pleaser is you say, I like the, you like the Yankees.

Adam Jablin:

I say, I like the Yankees because I just want to prove it.

Adam Jablin:

That was, I had a Superman complex.

Adam Jablin:

I was a rescuer.

Adam Jablin:

I tried to be there for every single person, every time.

Adam Jablin:

Not trying to please them, but trying to help them.

Adam Jablin:

and when that wasn't acknowledged, I got thirsty.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

I popped pills like they were Tic Tacs.

Stephen Box:

So was that a matter of, one of my mentors always uses

Stephen Box:

this saying of, every behavior is an attempt to solve a problem.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

And we don't always use the best solution to the problem, right?

Stephen Box:

It's a solution nonetheless.

Stephen Box:

So it sounds like that's where You weren't saying that other people were

Stephen Box:

making you a certain way, you were doing what you felt like you needed to

Stephen Box:

do, you were playing that role that a lot of men are told to, to play, being

Stephen Box:

the provider and the protector, and you were playing that role, but it felt like

Stephen Box:

you weren't getting the recognition for it, so that seems to drove the behavior

Stephen Box:

of, maybe I just need to do everything harder, I need to do everything more.

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:

name of my book is Lotsaholic, but I did

Adam Jablin:

everything a lot, everything.

Adam Jablin:

I was, I'm extreme to a T, to a T.

Adam Jablin:

And I'll tell you, three martinis and pop a few Oxycontin or whatever

Adam Jablin:

it was at the time, works fast.

Adam Jablin:

It works fast.

Adam Jablin:

Talking about a solution, but it doesn't work well and it doesn't work.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

And eventually that brought me to my

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

What was that moment for you that ended up driving you to recovery?

Stephen Box:

An intervention.

Adam Jablin:

I would have taken this thing to death.

Adam Jablin:

I would have tried to prove to everybody that I can make

Adam Jablin:

everything work at all times.

Adam Jablin:

But, luckily enough, I had a loving family that was able to

Adam Jablin:

see some of the consequences.

Adam Jablin:

That were happening in my life way clearer than I was and it wasn't like death or you

Adam Jablin:

know It wasn't but they were seeing what was happening to me specifically mentally

Adam Jablin:

and spiritually and how Dissatisfied it was and how unhappy I was and how

Adam Jablin:

resentful I was and how irritable I was and that's not me And they stepped in

Adam Jablin:

right at the right time and honestly if they stepped in one day before I would

Adam Jablin:

have been like, I'm out of here, but God provides pro and it was the right time

Adam Jablin:

at the right place and I could hear them.

Adam Jablin:

I could hear that.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, it's crazy how that just sometimes happens, right?

Stephen Box:

Where we are literally so against hearing something.

Stephen Box:

And then it's like that divine intervention, that one moment when you

Stephen Box:

are actually the most open to hearing that message, all the sudden it gets through.

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:

couldn't plan this if I tried, man.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

I really couldn't plan this if I tried.

Adam Jablin:

from my recovery, to what's happened in my life, to the hero project,

Adam Jablin:

to everything that's happened, I live a very rich, fulfilled life.

Adam Jablin:

Very fulfilled.

Adam Jablin:

I have so much love and friends and family and support around me.

Adam Jablin:

It doesn't mean I don't go through, my ups and downs

Adam Jablin:

emotionally, but I dance with it.

Adam Jablin:

But I couldn't plan this if I tried.

Stephen Box:

Yeah, I love that, man.

Stephen Box:

I love the fact that there's that acknowledgement of, it sounds like you've

Stephen Box:

really bought into the idea of controlling what you can control, but accepting

Stephen Box:

the fact that there are things in a life that sometimes you just get lucky.

Stephen Box:

that God has intervened for you or whatever, and you just, you feel

Stephen Box:

blessed to have had it and know that it wasn't necessarily all on you.

Adam Jablin:

Yeah, I really surrender to, I'm in the effort business.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

And God's in the outcome business.

Stephen Box:

that's a fantastic way to look God is in the outcome business.

Stephen Box:

So guys, we're gonna be wrapping up for today.

Stephen Box:

If you are enjoying our interview with Adam Jallon, make sure that

Stephen Box:

you are following the podcast.

Stephen Box:

It is 100 percent free.

Stephen Box:

Adam is going to be here with us all week long and tomorrow we're going

Stephen Box:

to be diving into The fear of change.

Stephen Box:

So you definitely do not want to miss that.

Stephen Box:

But until then, I remind you as always, guys, that while none of us are born

Stephen Box:

unshakable, we can all become unshakable.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

About your host

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Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.