Episode 48

Is Losing Weight Slowly Killing Your Results?

You've probably heard that slow and steady wins the race for weight loss. But is it true?

Join host and Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach Stephen Box as he explores a hidden benefit to fast weight loss and gives you a roadmap to see the result you really want.

Host Bio

Meet Men's Health Coach, Stephen Box, founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of the Unshakable Habits Podcast.

Stephen's own remarkable 80lb weight loss story became the cornerstone of his passion for helping others achieve their health goals. Holding the prestigious title of a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), he brings over a decade of expertise to his mission of guiding men towards prioritizing their physical and mental well-being.

His pursuit of excellence is showcased through an impressive array of certifications, including those of an Elite Fitness Trainer, PN Level 2 Master Health Coach, Online Fitness Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, and Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coach.

This comprehensive skill set allows Stephen to address health and wellness from a 360-degree perspective, ensuring that no aspect of well-being is overlooked.

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Stephen Box:

Is slow weight loss really better than fast weight loss?

Stephen Box:

That's the question we'll answer today.

Stephen Box:

And more than likely, you have heard people tell you that you lose weight

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too quickly, you're going to put it back on, or that trying to lose

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weight quickly is unsustainable.

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And I think there is some credibility to those statements, but I think

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there is a really big thing that's missing from the conversation.

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that is actually in favor of faster weight loss and is something that the

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health and wellness industry does not do a great job of acknowledging, but

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I'm going to acknowledge it today.

Stephen Box:

So guys, if you are new here, allow me to welcome you.

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This is Unshakable Habits, a podcast dedicated to helping men to elevate

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their physical and mental wellbeing.

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So that you can live a better life.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Stephen Box:

Guys, this conversation today was actually sparked by a podcast

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interview I did the other day.

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Fantastic interview, on the Thrive24 Podcast.

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It should be out here in the next couple weeks.

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I would highly encourage you to check it out.

Stephen Box:

But as part of our conversation about habits and weight loss and

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things like that, there was a comment that got made by the host.

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And understand, I'm not saying this as a negative torch, and this is a

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very common belief within the health and fitness industry, that people

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get very focused on fast results.

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And I 100 percent agree with the overall point he was actually trying to make,

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which was, When people focus just on the weight loss, when they focus just

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on the number, what ends up happening is they take a lot of unhealthy behaviors

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and they start trying to lose weight and they would use those unhealthy behaviors

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to get to a certain number on the scale or a certain size pant or whatever.

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And they end up putting the weight back on.

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It's not long term, it's not a real solution to the problem, and a lot of

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times the negative effects of it can be long lasting, and it can really hurt you,

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not to mention the fact that a lot of the things that you have to do to get fast

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weight loss also are very unsustainable, and so you might be wondering, okay,

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well, Stephen, you're saying all this, but you also said there were some benefits

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to fast weight loss, so what are they?

Stephen Box:

So here's the thing, and this is what I explained to him.

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I think it's totally understandable that people want fast results.

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But I'm also going to tell you I don't think most people

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really want fast weight loss.

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And here's what I mean.

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If I were to take just about any guy that I've ever spoken to on a

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consultation or on an initial coaching call and recorded that conversation

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and print out a transcript for you and let you read it What you would

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see is that almost every last one of them started off the conversation

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by saying I want to lose weight.

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And when I dive deeper into why they want to lose weight, it's, well, I

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want to get off these medications.

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My doctor told me if I lose weight, I can get off the medications.

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Or, well, you know what, I just don't think my wife finds me that

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attractive and I think our love life would be better if I lost some weight.

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Or, you know what, I'm tired of my knees hurting every

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single time I go up the stairs.

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And I know if I lost some weight, it would help.

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Or, I'm tired of not being able to play with my kids without getting winded.

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And I know if I lost some weight, it would help.

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I know that if I lost weight, I would have more energy.

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I would be more productive at work.

Stephen Box:

Are you starting to see the connection here?

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There is a belief that all these problems, the real issues, the real

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things they want to solve, they believe that weight loss is the solution.

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Now, here's the thing, I'm not saying they're wrong, but I

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want to point this out to you.

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They're not looking for fast weight loss.

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What they're looking for is to get rid of all those other problems

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as fast as possible, right?

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They want their wife to find them attractive today.

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They want to be able to play with their kids this weekend without getting winded.

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They want their knees to not hurt the next time they go up the stairs.

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They want to have more energy, be more productive, and be a

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standout at work this week.

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They're not looking to accomplish any of those things three months from now.

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Which is, you know, what most professionals are touting

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as a fast transformation.

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As a three month transformation, 90 days.

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Which, by the way, that is an incredibly fast transformation.

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It took me 10 months to lose 80 pounds, so 90 days is really like a breakneck speed.

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The thing is, I think it's understandable that people want to get rid of those

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problems as fast as possible, right?

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But here's the rub, and this is why I wanted to make this episode today.

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And this is why I was so glad when he brought this up.

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When you start to look at this, the easy trap to fall into is...

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When I get to my goal weight, everything's gonna be better.

Stephen Box:

Why do we have to wait till we get to our goal weight, guys?

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Is there some unwritten rule that I'm not aware of that

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heavier set guys can't be happy?

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I know a lot of heavy set guys who are happy.

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So, why do we need to wait until we lose all of the weight?

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Alright, you see what I'm doing here, right?

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It's about...

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Not losing all the weight.

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It's about how can we start to develop that identity?

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How can we start to adapt the behavior?

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I've heard me talk about this before.

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Along the way, and as we start to lose weight, we'll start

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to see improvements, right?

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Your knees may still hurt, but they're gonna hurt a little bit less

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when you get that first 10 pounds off, even if you need to lose 50.

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You'll be a little less willing to play with your kids when you get

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that first 10 pounds off, right?

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You might start to feel a little bit more confident, your clothes might

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feel a little bit better, you might have a little more energy, right?

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All those things can start to happen fairly early in the process.

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Now, they're going to be way better when you get to 50 pounds loss.

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But if all we're focused on is thinking that we can't feel good

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until we get there, how much time are you taking away from yourself?

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How much valuable time are you losing out on because you're focused on the

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number and just trying to get there?

Stephen Box:

So, Yeah, there really isn't a benefit to necessarily losing weight quickly.

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There's a lot of drawbacks to it.

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But when we look at the reasoning behind why you want to lose weight

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quickly, those are very good reasons.

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We all want to start feeling better faster, right?

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We all want to get rid of those pain points faster.

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And that is...

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A fantastic motivator and it's a great thing to keep us motivated and going

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until we start to build the momentum on our own until we start to build habits

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and everything starts to be consistent and we, you know, we still early on need

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that external motivation and this is the external motivation for a lot of us.

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I don't have an issue with guys wanting to get results quickly.

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I just want to make sure that what they're looking at is not.

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I have to get the full result quickly.

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It's, hey, let's hit the ground running here a little bit, get some results early.

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And, let's not have the results just be what's on the scale.

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Let's have them be in my mindset.

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Let's have them be in appreciating the small percentage gains

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that I'm getting along the way.

Stephen Box:

Right, I remember when I lost my 80 pounds.

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I went to the gym, I hired a trainer.

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And I couldn't hardly do anything guys, like I remember trying to do push ups.

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I think I could do maybe two, three push ups and then I went down and, you know,

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did some on my knees or whatever, but they wanted me to do like 10 and it took me

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probably like 5 minutes to do 10 push ups.

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And afterwards, I was toast.

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Like, don't ask me to do any kind of upper body or chest stuff for at least, like,

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20 30 minutes after that, cause I'm done.

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Like, I'm toast.

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And, over time, I went from, you know, being able to do maybe, like, two push

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ups or whatever, to, I could do three, I could do four, I could do five.

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And all of a sudden, you know, I got to a point where even though I was doing some

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of them on my knees, You know, maybe I wasn't as tired afterwards, maybe I only

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needed 10 minutes instead of 20, right?

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And eventually I got to a point where I could do 10 push

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ups, like 10 actual push ups.

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And then I got to a point where I was no longer tired after doing 10 push ups.

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And it was those little steady gains that really kept me motivated.

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But had I been focused on just like, Oh, I have to get this 80 pounds off

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and that's the only thing that matters.

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I would have missed out on all that motivation and it would have been really

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easy for me to give up along the way.

Stephen Box:

So, that is really the message I wanted to deliver to you guys today.

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just so y'all know, just a heads up, I do have, some openings

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right now for one on one coaching.

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And my prices are going to be going where they currently are come January.

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So what I'm, I'm telling you guys this now because I'm only going

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to have, I think it's four spots.

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It might be five.

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I'd have to go back and look at my logs, but, I know at least

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four spots I'm going to have open.

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Once those are gone, I'm going to sell those at the current pricing, if you

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either A, start before the end of the year, so, this is something that, you

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know, if you come, if you come to me and you say, hey, I want one of those

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spots, I, I'm ready to start, cool, we'll get you going, but if you come

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to me and say, hey, I'm not going to be ready to go to January, But I don't

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want to pay the extra price, then what you can do is you can put down the down

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deposit and save your spot for January.

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So if you want to do that, that is something that we can do for you.

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obviously I'm not going to ask you guys to make that decision right off the bat.

Stephen Box:

Go to my website on shakablehattice.

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Stephen Box:

Click on the link to schedule a free roadmap call.

Stephen Box:

We're going to go through, I will take you through a couple of different

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questionnaires that I have to help you determine what is going to

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be the best path forward for you.

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We'll create a roadmap for you to give you some clarity on how to go

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about achieving your goals, give you a better idea of where you are right now.

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And then from there you can decide whether you want to work with me or not.

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It's no obligation to do those.

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I don't care if 500 people book calls with me, I'm going to do 500 calls

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and, you know, there's still only going to be four or five spots available.

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So, we would definitely encourage if that's something that you're

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interested in, something you're thinking about, go ahead and get

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those booked as soon as possible.

Stephen Box:

guys, that is it for today's episode.

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just going to keep it nice and short for you today.

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I know you guys, are busy just like me.

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so hopefully you got some great value out of that.

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And if you enjoyed this episode, I really would appreciate if you

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could go on to Apple, Spotify, or Podchaser and leave us a review.

Stephen Box:

And as always guys, I want to remind you that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.


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Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

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Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.