Episode 81

5 Traits of a High Performance Procrastinator

Are you constantly scrambling to meet deadlines, feeling that rush of adrenaline as the clock ticks down, yet painfully aware that you're capable of so much more? Does this sound all too familiar?

It's a common struggle among high performance procrastinators: the cycle of waiting until the last minute, thriving under the pressure, but secretly knowing that this lifestyle is unsustainable and holding you back from achieving your true potential. It's not just missing out on promotions or damaging relationships that's the issue—it's the chronic stress and the risk of burnout that can completely derail you.

By the time you finish listening, you'll discover:

  • The five unmistakable traits that define a high performance procrastinator.
  • How to leverage your strengths while mitigating the downsides of last-minute productivity.
  • Effective strategies to transform your habits from reactive chaos to structured flexibility.

Don't miss this episode as we dive deep into the world of high performance procrastination and reveal practical solutions for breaking free from this cycle. Listen in now and take the first step toward becoming unshakable.

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Stephen Box:

On today's episode of Unshakable Habits, we're going

Stephen Box:

to identify the five traits of a high performance procrastinator.

Stephen Box:

We're going to talk about some of the positives and the negatives of being a

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high performance procrastinator as well.

Stephen Box:

And that's coming up next right here on Unshakable Habits.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back to Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

This is episode number 81 and I am your host, Habit Change

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Specialist and Coach Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

And guys, today we are talking all about High Performance Procrastination.

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And I want to just put this out front for you guys.

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There's not going to be any judgment in this today if you see

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yourself in any of these traits.

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Because I, myself, am a recovering high performance procrastinator.

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For pretty much most of my life, I was very good at waiting until

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the last minute to do things.

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Still getting by, still getting praise from people.

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For years, I prided myself on my ability to shoot off the cuff.

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and not have to plan everything out.

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And what I can tell you guys is there was some positives to that, but

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there were also a lot of negatives.

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And in the time that I have been consciously trying to change this and

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become more proactive in my activities, what I've realized is I've been able

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to keep a lot of the positives without having to deal with the negatives.

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So let's jump into some of these traits.

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So number one, you might be a high performance procrastinator

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if you thrive under pressure.

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for a lot of us, and I'm going to say us since I, for most of my life,

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was a high performance procrastinator as well, most of us believe that

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we perform our best under pressure when there's a looming deadline.

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Now I say believe because it's not always true and we'll get

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to that here in a little bit.

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But here's the thing, we tend to be naturally talented enough to get by, even

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when we wait to the last minute, which really just reinforces the pattern, right?

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The second thing is, high performance procrastinators,

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they want that urgency, right?

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It's like an adrenaline rush.

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And there's just something about when you know you have a short period of

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time left and you are grinding it out and you finish something just in

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time and then you get praise on it.

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It's a dopamine hit.

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It's a high.

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It really is.

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It can be exhilarating.

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I'm not gonna lie to you guys.

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Something else that tends to happen here is there is a overestimation,

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of how long something's going to take.

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Or I'm sorry, there's an underestimation of how long something's going

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to take and an overestimation of our ability to get it done.

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And what this leads to a lot of times is we end up putting things

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off to the last minute, obviously.

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But that also means skipping breaks, extending work hours, neglecting

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personal goals, neglecting relationships, family, health, things like that.

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That's another trait.

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So we don't really have great work life balance because we're always

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pushing something to the last minute.

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And if we do have good work life balance, it's usually because We've put

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everything else in front of doing what we need to do, but then when we need

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to do it, we block everything else out.

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And at the end of the day, it doesn't actually create that positive

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environment that we think it will.

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Another common trait is that high performance procrastinators tend to

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jump from idea to idea very quickly.

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If they're not happy with the current path, so if they're not getting that

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instant gratification, because remember I talked about before, one of the things

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is when we're doing it, we get that adrenaline rush, that dopamine hit.

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So when we're not seeing results.

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It's so easy to just be like, I'm to something else.

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I'm going to go to something that's hitting for me, right?

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And we're also more likely to make last minute changes or

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take risks that might fail.

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I remember being in Toastmasters and I would, it would be my turn to speak.

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And we had to do five to seven minutes.

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5 to 7 minute presentations in Toastmasters.

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And I had about a 25 minute drive to my meeting.

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And this was for an advanced club.

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This wasn't even a regular club.

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This was an advanced club.

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These were like the best of the best.

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And we get evaluated and everything.

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And I was literally writing my speech in the car on the drive.

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I'm not talking about refining it.

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I'm talking about writing the speech.

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And then even after doing that, is that weren't last minute enough, as

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I'm listening to the speaker before me, and I'm getting ready to go up, I'm in

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my head making changes to my speech.

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And sometimes I would even make changes in the middle of my speech.

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And yes, that takes an immense amount of talent.

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But I also recognize in hindsight I could have been so much better

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had I not done it that way.

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Had I actually prepared ahead of time.

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Another thing, and this goes along with what I just said, is high performance

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procrastinators love to have the freedom to be able to change things.

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at the last minute.

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And for that reason, they often think that a set routine will

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be boring or too limiting.

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So you tell me guys, can you relate to those five traits?

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Do those sound familiar to you?

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If so, you might also be a high performance procrastinator.

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So let's talk about some of the problems that come along with this.

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Number one, despite the dopamine rush that you get from waiting until

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last minute, you do realize that it often leads to chronic periods

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of high stress and anxiety, right?

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it's just something that comes with the territory.

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And yes, for a little bit, it's exciting, but when it's

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too often, it's overwhelming.

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And although you often do enough to get by, And you might even get praise for it.

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You know you're doing less than your best, And when we're doing less than

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our best, it holds us back, Maybe you got passed over for that promotion

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even though you're really good at what you do, because your boss knows

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you're not really that reliable, right?

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They know you're good, but they don't think you're reliable, right?

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Or maybe Your spouse has lost faith and asked you to do things because

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they know that you're going to put them off into the last minute that

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you're going to do them halfway.

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Hurts a little bit, right?

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And listen, again, no judgment.

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This was me, guys.

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I would also be willing to bet that at least once in the last few months,

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you found yourself on the verge of burnout due to the constant cycle of

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procrastination and high pressure work.

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That was me, multiple times.

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I've been there.

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Others may see you as unreliable like I was just talking about,

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which can stream both your personal and professional relationships.

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And then the other thing is, a lot of high performance procrastinators, they do

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tend to focus their efforts in one place.

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a lot of them may be successful in their careers.

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For a lot of high performance procrastinators, that's

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our areas of focus.

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It's work.

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we're successful in careers, but we also, we often struggle with

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our personal and health goals.

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Now, let's talk about some things that maybe you've tried here.

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number one is creating fake deadlines, but let's be honest,

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they're easy to push back.

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You've probably tried different time management tools and systems.

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But they feel too restrictive, because remember, high performance procrastinators

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love flexibility and freedom.

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you probably try breaking tasks into smaller steps, but you struggle

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with the consistency required.

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Because the reality is, as a high performance procrastinator, you are

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accustomed to taking large pieces of work, doing them in a shortened period

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of time at an extremely fast pace.

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when you are given small tasks, it feels way too easy and it will enhance

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the procrastination, not eliminate it.

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And then finally, you've probably tried managing your stress using

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mindfulness or meditation or things like that, but you find it very difficult

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to quiet your mind because you're busy thinking about all this stuff.

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That you need to do.

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And it feels like you always have a never ending to do list.

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Now, if this is you, don't worry, because the good news is

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I've been there and I can help.

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For years, I was a high performance procrastinator.

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And it wasn't until I discovered the power of creating structured

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flexibility that I began to create balance and success in my own life.

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And when we, when I talk about structured flexibility, it's

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really the best of both worlds.

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It allows me to have structure in my day, but it still allows me to

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have that flexibility that I crave.

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And listen, I've been coaching people since 2010.

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And I've helped a lot of people in that time learn to stop procrastinating.

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And build daily habits and routines to create lasting changes

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in the areas that matter most.

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And that is our physical health, our mindset, our relationships,

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our faith, and professional growth.

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So if you're ready to get off the high stress procrastination

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rollercoaster, guys, I want to invite you to go to unshakablehabits.

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com and book a free roadmap call with me today.

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There's no obligation.

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It will not cost you a single penny.

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It's not going to be a high pressure thing here.

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Yeah, I'm going to tell you right now.

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We're going to talk about my coaching.

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We're going to talk about it, okay?

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I'm not going to sit here and tell you.

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I'm not going to bring it up at all.

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But what I will promise you is I'm not going to hard pitch you.

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That's not the whole point of this thing, right?

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I spent most of my life suffering as a high performance procrastinator and you

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know what there was a point in my life if you use that word suffering along

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with it I would have looked at you crazy because I didn't think I was suffering

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but I've realized in looking at it and I hope going through that list of problems

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that you can see it too you That it is a problem and it's not the best way to live.

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I can help you to figure out how do you get more done, reduce your stress,

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but still keep that flexibility.

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And, look, I promise you, we'll find some ways for you

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to feel the excitement, right?

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You don't have to wait to the last minute to feel excited.

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We can find some other things for you to be excited about.

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So if that sounds like a plane to you guys, I want to encourage you to head

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on over again to unshakeablehabits.

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There's also a link down in the show notes, where you can book

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a free roadmap call with me.

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So either go to the website or go down the show notes and book

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that free call with me today.

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It doesn't cost you guys anything at all.

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This is just 100 percent of value add, something that I'm willing to do for you.

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But I am going to tell you, slots are limited.

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I can only do so many calls.

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So don't wait, because you might miss the opportunity to get one of the few

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slots that are actually available.

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And guys, with that I'm going to remind you as always, that while

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none of us are born unshakable, we can all become unshakable.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

About your host

Profile picture for Stephen Box

Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.