Episode 76

Turning Failure Into a Super Power with Adam Jablin

Are you constantly second-guessing yourself, replaying every single mistake in your mind, and letting fear dictate your actions? If so, you're not alone. Many of us wrestle with these feelings daily. The good news? You do not have to let fear be the driver of your destiny.

In our latest episode of Unshakable Habits, we sit down with transformation coach Adam Jablin, who brings decades of experience overcoming life's biggest hurdles. From battling addiction to starting over and finding newfound success, Adam's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit. He shares invaluable insights that can help you transform your own fear into unstoppable action.

By the time you finish listening, you'll discover:

  • How to process and overcome the feelings of disappointment that come with failure.
  • The secret to maintaining forward momentum, no matter what obstacles you face.
  • Why learning from your failures is actually more valuable than always succeeding.

Tune in to episode 76, *Adam Jablin - Fear of Failure,* and equip yourself with the tools to turn your fear into unshakable confidence. Don't miss out!

Connect with Adam: https://adamjablin.com

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Stephen Box:

How do you respond to failure?

Stephen Box:

Do you get down to yourself?

Stephen Box:

Do you beat yourself up?

Stephen Box:

Do you replay your mistakes over and over and over again in your head?

Stephen Box:

If so, today's episode of the podcast is going to be particularly valuable for

Stephen Box:

you because our special guest Adam Jablin is going to talk to us about how do we

Stephen Box:

bounce back from failure and that's coming up next right here on Unshakable Habits.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back.

Stephen Box:

This is Episode 76 of Unshakable Habits.

Stephen Box:

I am your host, Stephen Box.

Stephen Box:

And if you are joining us for the first time this week, let me give you a

Stephen Box:

quick recap of what has been going on.

Stephen Box:

We have Coach Adam Jablin from The Hero Project with us this week.

Stephen Box:

And we are talking about personalization.

Stephen Box:

All different types of fear.

Stephen Box:

So on Monday we learned a little bit about Adam's story, overcoming

Stephen Box:

alcoholism and addiction.

Stephen Box:

Tuesday we talked about overcoming the fear of change, something that I think a

Stephen Box:

lot of us can honestly, easily relate to.

Stephen Box:

And then on Wednesday we talked about something that's maybe

Stephen Box:

not as commonly talked about, and it is the fear of success.

Stephen Box:

And really what that boils down to is.

Stephen Box:

Our fear of the unknown and our lack of confidence in our ability to handle it.

Stephen Box:

So Adam really gave us some good tips on how to step into that unknown and

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have confidence in your abilities.

Stephen Box:

And today we are wrapping up the interview series with Adam by

Stephen Box:

talking about the fear of failure.

Stephen Box:

And more specifically, how do we bounce back from it?

Stephen Box:

Because failure is part of the process.

Stephen Box:

It's inevitable.

Stephen Box:

We're all going to fail at some point, but the question is, how do you bounce

Stephen Box:

back from it, because it can be so easy when we fail for that to become

Stephen Box:

a measuring stick moment for us.

Stephen Box:

It can be something we constantly revisit and use as proof of

Stephen Box:

why we can't move forward.

Stephen Box:

So Adam today is going to give us some really great advice

Stephen Box:

on how do you move forward.

Stephen Box:

How do you bounce back from that failure and keep moving?

Stephen Box:

And then tomorrow, I will do a wrap up where I will give you my

Stephen Box:

biggest takeaways from this week.

Stephen Box:

So make sure you tune back in tomorrow to check that out.

Stephen Box:

but Adam.

Stephen Box:

Let's get started, man.

Stephen Box:

In terms of bouncing back from failure, what is your story?

Adam Jablin:

first off, I

Adam Jablin:

know what my goal is.

Adam Jablin:

I know where I want to go.

Adam Jablin:

It may not be finely tuned to every detail, but I know where I want to go.

Adam Jablin:

What happens is that becomes a bump in the road, and it, rather than

Adam Jablin:

failure, it becomes disappointment.

Adam Jablin:

And then, it's how fast can I process that disappointment.

Adam Jablin:

I have a mentor, I have an outside reference to my

Adam Jablin:

life, that I can share with.

Adam Jablin:

And when you share something, really from your heart, your

Adam Jablin:

soul, you cut that in half.

Adam Jablin:

and he's been through the trenches.

Adam Jablin:

he knows where the tripwire is.

Adam Jablin:

He knows where the ditches are.

Adam Jablin:

he knows where the landmines are.

Adam Jablin:

he easily redirects me.

Adam Jablin:

And puts me back on the path.

Adam Jablin:

failure is really an emotional journey.

Adam Jablin:

It's how fast can you bounce back?

Adam Jablin:

And I'm a human.

Adam Jablin:

There have been some things in my life from being the fat kid to ultra shredded

Adam Jablin:

to, married to divorce, which was the hardest thing I've ever went through

Adam Jablin:

to falling in love, to not having that relationship again, to alcohol and drugs

Adam Jablin:

being my solution to it becoming my problem and living in a life in recovery.

Adam Jablin:

From being a non believer to a believer, from running a multi million dollar

Adam Jablin:

family business like an empire, to starting something on my own and

Adam Jablin:

doing the entrepreneurial journey.

Adam Jablin:

Okay, I have had many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, but

Adam Jablin:

if I can really process it, what it really was is, how fast can I

Adam Jablin:

get over the emotions to regroup?

Adam Jablin:

and there were times where I had to whine like a baby.

Adam Jablin:

there were times that I needed therapy, there were times that I could bounce

Adam Jablin:

back literally like a Rocky Balboa movie, Drago knocked me down and I just bounced

Adam Jablin:

back up, and I can't really explain to you why each time I had to overcome this

Adam Jablin:

fear and this failure, it was different.

Adam Jablin:

I wish I could articulate it.

Adam Jablin:

It's actually more language of the heart and how it was affecting me

Adam Jablin:

in my heart, but I never stopped.

Adam Jablin:

I never stopped.

Adam Jablin:

So if it was whining, if it was crying, if it was therapy, if it was letting

Adam Jablin:

go of a relationship, if it was letting go of alcoholism addiction, if it was

Adam Jablin:

starting something new, whatever it was, I never stopped moving forward.

Stephen Box:

one thing that's stood out to me in our conversation

Stephen Box:

is that I see when we talk about these three separate ideas, right?

Stephen Box:

there's the fear of change in the first place.

Stephen Box:

Then there's the fear of, what if I get, so successful that I can't handle it?

Stephen Box:

And then ultimately that kind of leads to the fear of failure, right?

Stephen Box:

Which is, what happens when I fall on my face?

Stephen Box:

And then we talk about this idea of being able to bounce back from it.

Stephen Box:

And I think we talk about these as three separate entities, but they

Stephen Box:

actually happen simultaneously.

Stephen Box:

We like, we actually deal with all these things almost at the same time.

Stephen Box:

As you're trying to change, you're moving towards something that's

Stephen Box:

an unknown that causes fear.

Stephen Box:

And then at the same time, you're going to stumble in the process.

Stephen Box:

And then now that causes that fear to kick in.

Stephen Box:

So they're always.

Stephen Box:

If you allow yourself to be, you're always living in the state of fear of letting

Stephen Box:

go of what is, not knowing what the future is, or worrying about stumbling

Stephen Box:

and not being able to, to regroup.

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

there's a very famous, Twilight Zone episode.

Adam Jablin:

In which this gambler, this notorious gambler, who dies and he goes to the

Adam Jablin:

good place and he ends up at the Wynn hotel and everything is just, and they

Adam Jablin:

give him the presidential suite top suite on the floor and he has all these

Adam Jablin:

tailored suits waiting for him and anything he wants, he gets anything.

Adam Jablin:

Champagne, Caviar, the women, you name it.

Adam Jablin:

And he goes down, and he's on the casino floor, and you

Adam Jablin:

gotta remember, he's a gambler.

Adam Jablin:

And he can't lose.

Adam Jablin:

Poker, Blackjack, Roulette.

Adam Jablin:

He can't lose.

Adam Jablin:

He never loses.

Adam Jablin:

And it's a joy ride for a while.

Adam Jablin:

And then about 20 days, 30 days in, he starts going crazy.

Adam Jablin:

and calls the head angel over.

Adam Jablin:

He's listen, I don't belong here.

Adam Jablin:

I know, but he's what are you talking about?

Adam Jablin:

He's isn't everything perfect for you?

Adam Jablin:

He's I don't belong here.

Adam Jablin:

He's I, everything it's too perfect.

Adam Jablin:

It's too perfect.

Adam Jablin:

He's like, what's wrong?

Adam Jablin:

You win everything.

Adam Jablin:

You have everything given to you.

Adam Jablin:

He's that's it.

Adam Jablin:

There's no juice.

Adam Jablin:

There's no spice.

Adam Jablin:

I need to know that I can lose.

Adam Jablin:

I need it.

Adam Jablin:

he's like, let's rob a bank.

Adam Jablin:


Adam Jablin:

We will make sure we will have you rob a bank.

Adam Jablin:

We will make sure that you get away with whatever money you want.

Adam Jablin:

He's no, he starts screaming at the angel, right?

Adam Jablin:

He goes, don't you see, I need to know that I can get caught.

Adam Jablin:

I need, he keeps saying, I need the juice.

Adam Jablin:

I need the suspense.

Adam Jablin:

I, and he goes, don't you understand?

Adam Jablin:

I don't belong here in heaven.

Adam Jablin:

And the head angel folds his arm and goes, who says you're

Adam Jablin:

in heaven and starts laughing.

Adam Jablin:

And you realize he's there.

Adam Jablin:

meaning if you got everything you wanted, when you want it, how you want

Adam Jablin:

it, there would be no juice to it.

Adam Jablin:

There would be no anima.

Adam Jablin:

There would be no suspense.

Adam Jablin:

There'd be no reason for life.

Adam Jablin:

And when you can embrace that story and really put it.

Adam Jablin:

into your heart, mind, and soul, you'll realize that this whole thing is a gift.

Adam Jablin:

It's a privilege.

Adam Jablin:

It's a journey.

Adam Jablin:

And if you were given everything you wanted, when you wanted

Adam Jablin:

it, you would have no drive.

Adam Jablin:

You would have no suspense.

Adam Jablin:

You would have no reason to love.

Adam Jablin:

You'd have no reason to, for being.

Stephen Box:

I think, for a lot of people, what this really

Stephen Box:

comes down to is we need failure.

Stephen Box:

in our lives because failure shows us where opportunities are.

Stephen Box:

Failure shows us what we really do and don't want.

Stephen Box:

If we never fail, if we just always get what we want, at some point, we start

Stephen Box:

to actually realize that's not what we wanted at all, but because we've never

Stephen Box:

failed, we don't know what we want.

Stephen Box:

That's right.

Stephen Box:

And what

Adam Jablin:

you want always changes.

Adam Jablin:

you could want the most beautiful, blessed, harmonious family, and then you

Adam Jablin:

have the baby, and you have the wife, or you have the husband, or you have

Adam Jablin:

your partner, and then you want more.

Adam Jablin:

what you want is always changing.

Stephen Box:

And failure is what shows us where we really want to go.

Adam Jablin:

this is not a quote from me, but I really love it.

Adam Jablin:

I've heard many a very successful people say they've never learned

Adam Jablin:

anything from their successes.

Adam Jablin:

They learned everything from their failures.

Stephen Box:

I will tell you that when people ask me, what is

Stephen Box:

your secret to having a very long marriage, that's really great.

Stephen Box:

what is it that's allowed you to do that?

Stephen Box:

cause I've been married to be 20 years next year.

Stephen Box:


Stephen Box:

Thank you.

Stephen Box:

And I always say that most of my relationship success.

Stephen Box:

is actually due to having a friend who was absolutely horrible in relationships.

Stephen Box:

So I watched all the mistakes he made and said, just don't do that.

Stephen Box:

And that's literally how I started out over time.

Stephen Box:

I, I had my own failures and I learned from them and things like that.

Stephen Box:

But a lot of the early success in my relationship literally

Stephen Box:

came from watching him fail.

Stephen Box:

That's great.

Stephen Box:

yeah, so even though it wasn't my failure, we can all still learn from failures.

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:

Yeah, I believe there's some famous quote, that a wise man

Adam Jablin:

learns from other people's mistakes.

Stephen Box:

So final piece of advice that you would give people around just

Stephen Box:

the overall topic of fear, like just, it doesn't have to be about a specific

Stephen Box:

aspect of fear, but just someone who's just dealing with this fear

Stephen Box:

right now and it's holding them back.

Stephen Box:

What is the advice that you give them?

Stephen Box:


Adam Jablin:

Truly inventory it, like truly take an inventory of what it is.

Adam Jablin:

Look at it.

Adam Jablin:

Share it with somebody that you trust.

Adam Jablin:

Cut it in half.

Adam Jablin:

And then learn to dance with it, get exposure to it.

Adam Jablin:

When somebody has a fear of snakes, they, they do exposure therapy.

Adam Jablin:

They let them first start holding a very small garden snake.

Adam Jablin:

same thing with flying.

Adam Jablin:

It's exposure therapy, but it's a process.

Adam Jablin:

And I think that's something that I would want to share with everybody.

Adam Jablin:

Getting over fear, getting to your goals and dreams, building the body

Adam Jablin:

you want, building the business you want, building the marriage

Adam Jablin:

you want, all of it is a process.

Adam Jablin:

It is not that Twilight Zone episode.

Adam Jablin:

You don't wake up one day and it's all bestowed on you.

Adam Jablin:

So learn to dance and enjoy with the process.

Adam Jablin:


Stephen Box:

think that's a great advice, man.

Stephen Box:

tomorrow I'm going to, do a recap episode and I'm going to really talk about some

Stephen Box:

of the takeaways I've had after I've had a little bit of time to process,

Stephen Box:

some of this conversation myself.

Stephen Box:

but that's definitely going to be on my, my takeaway list.

Stephen Box:

So definitely appreciate that.

Stephen Box:

Adam, thank you so much for being here today.

Stephen Box:

If someone wants to get in touch with you, wants to work with you, what's

Stephen Box:

the best way for them to follow you or get in contact with you?

Adam Jablin:

Yeah, I'm 47 years old, so I made it easy for myself.

Adam Jablin:

It's Adam Jablin on every platform.

Adam Jablin:

It's adamJablin.

Adam Jablin:

com, Adam Jablin on Instagram, Adam Jablin on Facebook.

Adam Jablin:

Tik Tok, whatever it is, it's just Adam Jablin that's where

Adam Jablin:

you can find the Hero Project.

Adam Jablin:

That's where you can find my speaking and my events.

Adam Jablin:

That's where you can find what I'm up to.

Adam Jablin:

That's where you can find my coaching programs.

Adam Jablin:

That's where you can find resources, like the Hero 7.

Adam Jablin:

Adam Jablin.

Stephen Box:

Appreciate it, Adam.

Stephen Box:

Thank you very much.

Stephen Box:

Thank you for being here all week long and providing such great insights.

Stephen Box:

Guys, highly encourage you to touch base with Adam as well.

Stephen Box:

I will have a link to his website in the show notes so that way

Stephen Box:

you can find him everywhere.

Stephen Box:

Tomorrow, I'm going to have my recap episode, which will give you my big

Stephen Box:

takeaways from the week, and I will maybe share some personal insights or

Stephen Box:

stories of things that came up for me while doing this interview with Adam.

Stephen Box:

But until then, I remind you as always, guys, that while none of us are born

Stephen Box:

unshakable, we can all become unshakable.

About the Podcast

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Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

About your host

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Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.