Episode 67

Unshakable Insights: Stephen's Key Takeaways for Finding Balance in Work, Relationships, and Health

In the final part of our 5-part series with Christine Jewell, Stephen Box reflects on the key insights and takeaways from the week. Join us as Stephen shares his personal thoughts on integrating faith, health, relationships, and productivity, and how Christine's wisdom can help you create unshakable habits in your life. Don't miss this wrap-up episode that ties together all the transformative lessons from the series.

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Stephen Box:

Welcome to Unshakable Habits.

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I am your host, Stephen Vox.

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And if you have been hanging out with us this week, you know we've

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been chatting with Christine Joel, a faith based executive coach

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and author of Drop the Armor.

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And today I wanted to just take an opportunity to give you some

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of my unshakable insights, my key takeaways From this week and also

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share some of my personal experiences with some of these takeaways.

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So starting on Monday, we did what I call the introductory episode of

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the week, where we talked about this idea of being constantly busy, but

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always feeling like no matter how hard you work, you just can't get ahead.

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You're always behind.

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And Christine had this gem, I think it was towards the end of the episode, where

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she said, What if we chose our overwhelm?

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I mean, a light bulb moment for me when she said it, right?

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Because Instantaneously, I went to stress management.

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I talk about stress management is not getting rid of stress.

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It's about managing it and it's about having the right amount.

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It's about finding that stress sweet spot because some stress

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is actually positive for us.

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Too much of it is negative, but the right amount is positive.

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And this is a slightly different context.

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But, if we're choosing our overwhelm, we're using, we're changing the context

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of overwhelm, let me say it that way.

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Where we're looking at, can I be overwhelmed with joy?

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Can I be overwhelmed with grace?

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Can I be overwhelmed with all these positive things?

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And that is such a great reframe.

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And, Christine points out that, Really, in order to do this, it's all about

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being intentional about where you spend your energy and your time, not spending

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your time just being busy for the sake of being busy or doing things that make

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other people happy, but really doing it because it's what you want to do.

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And a big part of that is Knowing how to figure out what your values are, what

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your goals are, and then prioritizing your task around those, aligning that

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to your values and your goals, and then setting boundaries to make sure that

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you're able to prioritize those tasks.

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Such a huge thing for so many people to be able to learn to do that.

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And part of that is learning to say no.

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if you want to talk about managing overwhelm and you want

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to talk about creating balance in your life, learning to say no.

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is the most crucial skill.

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this is something I personally have been working on for a couple years now.

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And I will tell you, once you get it down, once you can learn how to phrase it, and

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really develop it, it's a game changer.

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And maybe one day I'll do a full episode on how we actually say that, right?

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How do we say no to people without being rude?

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Because I've got it figured out now.

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I'm not going to say I'm 100 percent perfect, but I've got

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it pretty well figured out now.

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And It took some time.

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So then Tuesday we started talking about work stuff and really this idea of

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productivity addiction and it's something that honestly Christine pointed out

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oftentimes comes from a place of a seeking validation through constant activity.

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Let that sink in for a second.

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Do you find that you've ever had that experience where you are?

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Always doing stuff, you're always busy, you're trying to do all these things,

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and it's not because that's what you want to be doing, it's because you feel

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like there's an expectation, even if that expectation is only in your head,

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even if it's not real, it can feel very real, and it creates this need to always

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be doing something, and it becomes an addiction, and it most of the time is us

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trying to gain the approval of someone else, whether that's your boss, so you

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can get a promotion or a raise, or whether it's our spouse or our kids or whatever.

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We're always trying to do things to make ourselves look better

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in the eyes of someone else or to gain their approval, right?

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Then the other thing she talked about was this idea of needing to redefine

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what productivity means to us.

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Focusing on the meaningful actions rather than just the busy work.

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So really, what are those things that are going to push everything forward?

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I remember she gave an example from a client call that she had where

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the client was like, I got to do all this stuff and all this stuff.

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And she said, if you were to take all that off the table, if you

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just clean slate, think about what you actually were needing to do.

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What is the one thing you can do right now that would make a huge difference?

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And if you guys want more on that concept, do you want to dive more into that?

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I highly recommend the book, The One Thing really dives into this idea of

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what's the one thing you can do right now that will make everything else easier.

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It's not just about doing literally one thing.

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It's about What thing do I need to prioritize?

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And then the other thing is taking breaks, allowing yourself to recharge, right?

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And we're talking not just vacation time here, right?

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I know a lot of people over the summer they take vacation and that's great

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But we're talking about regular just throughout the day little mental

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breaks that you can take Not just waiting for the weekend, right?

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It's not about just grinding through till Friday and then taking a little

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Saturday and Sunday This is about how can you find time to recharge your batteries

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every day and a big part of that in my mind We'll talk about here in a few

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minutes, but a big part of that in my mind is about eating the right foods.

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It's about having the right mindset.

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It's about getting enough sleep and it's about consistently exercising.

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Those things will help to recharge your batteries and it will get your

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battery stronger to begin with.

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definitely something to do.

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Then we moved into talking about relationships and one of the big mistakes

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That Christine pointed out is that we fail to communicate our needs and expectations

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clearly, and this leads to resentment.

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A lot of times we think that we've been clear.

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We think that it should be obvious.

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We expect our partners to maybe just read our minds and

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know what it is that we need.

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Or we feel like we've communicated it and the reality is we haven't.

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And a lot of times what it comes down to also is, we talked earlier

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about the importance of saying no.

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Sometimes we've agreed to do things for our significant other

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that we really didn't want to do.

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It's not really within our wheelhouse or maybe it's something that we

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don't really have time for right now.

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But we're going to go ahead and just do it just because.

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We feel like we're obligated to not because we want to not because there's a

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desire to do it not because it's coming from That place but because we feel

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like we have to do it right and when you do that You're going to end up filling

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Resentment when you don't get that same courtesy back to you Or when you don't

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communicate it in the first place and people don't do what you think they

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should be doing and you're doing things, you're going to start to have resentment.

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And so much of this comes from doing things that you feel obligated to do

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versus things that you want to do.

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It's not coming to things with a full cup, so to speak.

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And Christine goes on to point out that relationships thrive

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on Mutual understanding and effort, not on assumptions and

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unspoken resentments, right?

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So exactly what I just got through, highlighting to you guys there.

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And then investing time in our relationships is just as important

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in any other area of our life.

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It's about quality, not just quantity.

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And to me, this is a big one because a lot of us, we spend a lot of time at work.

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We spend a lot of time with the kids.

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We spend a lot of time doing everything except for focusing on our relationships.

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Absolutely huge.

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And then, yesterday, we actually got into this conversation about health.

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health, I 100 percent believe, is not just a physical thing.

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it's about mental health, emotional health, spiritual

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health, and physical health, right?

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but when we talk about the physical health aspect of things,

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we're talking about things like exercise, nutrition, sleep.

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And one of the parts of that conversation we had was especially

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around with Christine being a faith based coach is this idea a lot of

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Christians have of, Trying to take care of your body, trying to, build

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muscle or look a certain way, gets into idolizing yourself a little bit, right?

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And it can feel wrong to do that.

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And the thing is, Christine points out, and I 100 percent agree with her

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on this, that God gave us this body.

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Our body is a temple that the Holy Spirit dwells in, and we have an obligation,

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really, to maintain that temple, right?

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That, to keep things nice.

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And that doesn't mean that you have to go out and have big muscles, or six pack abs,

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or flat stomach, or anything like that.

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It just simply means that you take care of yourself.

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But again, take care of yourself doesn't just mean physically, it also means

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Making time for your mental health, your spiritual health, your emotional health,

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your relational health, all of those things are important aspects of health.

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And if you guys want to know more about that, I encourage you to look

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into the concept of deep health.

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so Christine goes on to say that, she believes that when we integrate our faith

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into our health practices, we find a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

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And again, I 100 percent agree with this.

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I find that when I get up in the morning and I carve out time for

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some kind of movement, Some kind of prayer time, some kind of devotional

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reading time, that it just makes such a huge difference in my entire day.

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which goes, really to her next point of saying it's essential to

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create daily habits that nourish both our body and our spirit.

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again, I'm jumping ahead here, but it's like perfect alignment, We often overlook

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the spiritual aspect of health, but it's just as important as the physical,

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something that Christine also pointed out.

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And again here, I agree with this because if we don't have a connection

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to something bigger, we don't have a sense of purpose in life.

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If we don't feel that connection, a lot of times we can start to devalue ourselves.

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We start to feel like we don't have the value.

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And if you don't feel like you have value, it's very difficult

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to take care of yourself.

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So I think maybe even it's more important, right?

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Meditation and prayer can be powerful tools to center

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yourself and maintain balance.

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Again, this goes back to what I said about morning routine, daily

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habits, regular rest and recovery periods to recharge your batteries.

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It all ties back in.

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And then finally, Christine talks about building a

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supportive community around you.

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can greatly enhance your journey towards holistic well being.

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And again, like I said earlier, when you look at this concept of deep health, it

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is physical health, but it's also mental health, emotional health, and then it's

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environmental health, it's relational health, and it's spiritual health.

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Those are the components of deep health.

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And so when you look at it from that perspective, You started to see that all

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of these things are so important to have.

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So guys, that is our recap for this week's episodes.

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Next week, we are going to be talking about Something that I know a lot of us

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struggle with, something I struggled with for a very long time and really only in

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the last few years have I truly got this.

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I've had pieces of success over the years with it, but it's only

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been the last couple years I've really put all the pieces together.

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And that's over on overcoming setbacks, dealing with slow

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progress, and managing stress.

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Believe it or not, those are all completely intertwined.

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They have a lot to do with each other.

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So next week, it's just going to be me here talking to you, so make sure

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you tune in every day because I'm going to really dive into this topic

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and we're going to give you some actionable steps that you'll be able to

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take with you by the end of the week.

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And you will become so much better at overcoming your setbacks and

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dealing with problems, slow progress.

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as well as managing your stress.

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So with that guys, thanks for tuning in today.

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And as always, I want to remind you that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.

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Because becoming unshakable is a choice.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

About your host

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Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.