Episode 78

Why Your Morning Routine Is Failing You

Are you tired of starting your day with great intentions only to see your plans crumble by lunchtime? It's frustrating, isn't it?

If you've been struggling to maintain a productive morning routine, then you might be making some common mistakes, and you're not alone. Many of us follow routines that seem perfect on paper but fail to deliver in real life.

By the time you finish listening to this episode, you'll discover:

  • Why copying someone else's morning routine might be setting you up for failure.
  • The overlooked importance of nighttime routines in setting up a successful next day.
  • What we can learn from successful CEOs about simplicity in our routines

Stay tuned as we unpack these points and help you create a morning routine that genuinely works for you.

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Stephen Box:

If you start your days off with a plan, but it seems like by

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lunchtime everything is off the rails, your morning routine might be failing you.

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And on today's episode, I'm going to break down for you

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exactly why that is happening.

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And if you don't already have a morning routine, we're going to

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also help you figure out how to start creating one for yourself.

Stephen Box:

And that's coming up next, right here on Unshakable Habits.


The right habits can help you have it all.


More time, better health, improved relationships, and less stress.


But most people lack the tools to stick with those habits


long enough to see results.


That is about to change.


Welcome to Unshakable Habits with your host, Stephen Box.


It's time to take your habits from unsustainable to unshakable.

Stephen Box:

Welcome back.

Stephen Box:

You are tuned in to episode number 78 of Unshakable Habits.

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I am your host, Stephen Box.

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And today we are talking about why your morning routine is failing you and

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causing All of your well intentioned plans to fall completely off track

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by lunchtime every single day.

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Let me start off by saying that if you are currently in

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this situation, don't feel bad.

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I actually was in the same situation as you not too long ago.

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I'm a natural night owl, so for me Mornings have never really

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been my thing, and for a long time that was the story I told myself.

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I'm not a morning person, I don't need a morning routine, and I would

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just get up and go through the motions, and my day really wouldn't

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get started until after lunch, and then I wasn't getting things done.

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And then at some point I made a decision, you know what, I do

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need to have a morning routine.

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I do need to get into the habit of doing that.

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But again, being a night owl, I ran into kind of this issue where everyone else was

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already sending text messages and emails and phone calls and all this other stuff.

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And so as soon as I wake up, I'm now dealing with everybody else's stuff.

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And for me, it just didn't work.

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I still was behind.

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I still didn't really get to my stuff until after lunch.

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And I was no more productive with the morning routine than I was without it.

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And that's my individual story and a lot of that had to do with my

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sleeping patterns, but a lot of it also had to do with the way I was

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setting up my morning routines.

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Because, I'm still a night owl, I still don't get up super early, I still have

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all those people messaging me and sending me all this stuff first thing in the

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morning, but I handle it differently now.

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So today I want to give you some insights on things that might be causing

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your morning routine to fail you.

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and what to actually do about it.

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Specifically, we're going to focus on three areas.

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Number one is copying other people's routines.

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Number two, we're going to talk about not utilizing the other daily routines.

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And number three, overcomplicating your routine.

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So let's break those down.

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Number one is copying other people's routines.

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Please understand, I encourage you to look at other people, see what

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they're doing, steal their great ideas.

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But, acknowledge the fact that if you just outright try to copy someone else's

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routine, you Basically saying that you're going to take their life, their needs,

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their preferences, and you're going to try to insert it into your life.

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And that is like putting the proverbial circle into the square hole.

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It's not going to fit.

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It's not going to work.

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And this is a huge mistake I see a lot of people actually make.

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Because it's what society tells us to do, right?

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Study the habits of the successful and copy them.

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But again, it's okay to borrow.

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It's okay to take an idea, but we can personalize it and we

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can actually make it our own.

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If we just take someone else's routine or trying to fit what works for them into

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our life, it's going to fail every time.

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And on top of it You're going to end up not being motivated.

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Because you're going to get frustrated by the lack of success by trying

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to implement someone else's plan.

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Something that was never really meant for you is going to be very demotivating.

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Because it doesn't align with your natural rhythms and your preferences,

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so it's not going to be sustainable.

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The second thing is ignoring the other routines.

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Guys, you know I talk about the morning routine, the midday routine.

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The night time routine, the pre and post work routines.

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They're all important for a reason.

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And the one I'm going to focus on here is actually the night time routine.

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Because for a lot of us, if we just get up and we start trying to

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plan our day in the morning, it's going to be a disaster, right?

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It hardly ever works out the way that we're planning it.

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because we're Already in the midst of doing what we need to do

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pretty much the moment we wake up.

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But if you do it the night before, it can help you so much.

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If you actually write down the night before, I actually do this in my office.

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I have a little board where I write down tomorrow's big three.

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And every night before I go to bed, I write down the three things I want

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to get done the next day, right?

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And this is actually, if you want more information on this, you want to read

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a little bit more on this, HowlRod.

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The Miracle Morning, method is something that you might want to check out.

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he actually talks about this importance of an evening preparation.

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It's a critical step for a successful morning.

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So definitely, I recommend that you check that out as well.

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And then finally, Overcomplicating your routine.

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This is probably the biggest one, right?

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This is the one I think that affects most people.

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We think we have to do everything.

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And right, this kind of combines honestly with the last point

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I just made too, a little bit.

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Take advantage of those other routines because you can move things to the midday.

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They can be part of your pre and post work.

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They can be part of your evening routine.

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You don't have to do everything first thing in the morning.

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But that's what happens for a lot of us.

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We think, we're going to get up early.

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We're going to, work out.

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We're going to, see the kids off.

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We're going to have a healthy breakfast.

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We're going to do all these things.

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And what ends up happening is, we're You get up, you don't feel like working out,

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you've hit snooze a couple of times, now the kids are running around, you're

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trying to get them together, you skip breakfast, and you maybe find yourself

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holding to the fast food, drive thru or, Dunkin Donuts or wherever you get your

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coffee from, Starbucks, whatever, right?

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You go get your coffee and a couple hours later you have that

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caffeine slash sugar crash and it's just chaos from the word go.

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It just doesn't work out because we've tried to put way

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too much into our mornings.

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And a huge part of this I think is That's what society tells

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us we're supposed to do, right?

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This is what society has taught us is Acceptable to do and I just want

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to really highlight guys It's okay to not actually do that I mentioned

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a few minutes ago about it's okay to look at what other people do So I want

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to give you a couple of examples here This is actually from an article that

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I was looking up So Sarah Blakely, the founder and executive chairman of Spanx.

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If you're not familiar with Spanx, that's the clothes that are like super tight

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that basically compress down your, your fat to, to make you look better, right?

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there's probably other purposes for it, but that's generally the one I

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think of when it comes to, Spanx.

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But anyways, Sheesh lives here in Olienta and she gets up in the

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morning, does some yoga, and spends some time with her four kids.

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But then what she does is something a little interesting.

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She actually has a six minute drive to work.

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But she ends up spending an hour just driving around and no, that's not

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just because I'm related to traffic.

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Trust me, that could definitely be a thing.

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if you're, if you live in Atlanta, you get that one.

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If you don't, just no.

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But the thing is she drives around for an hour because she realized that

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she does her best thinking in the car.

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And so she's really set aside that time to be able to do that.

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And so rather than trying to do everything first thing in the

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morning, She says, Hey, you know what?

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Let me get up, let me do my yoga, spend a little time with the kids,

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have a smoothie, and then get in the car and do my thinking there.

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Just makes it a very simple process.

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Jeff Bezos, the founder and executive chairman of Amazon.

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He actually talks about how he likes to start his day early.

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in a very slow and calm fashion.

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This is very similar to myself actually.

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So after he gets his eight hours of sleep, he likes to take his time, ease into the

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day, and he actually has a hard rule.

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of no meetings before 10 a.

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the way he likes to say it, he says he's like to putter in the morning.

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So it's one of those things where he wants that time to just ease into the day.

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Very much the opposite of what a lot of us are told that we're supposed to do, right?

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It's We're told all you're supposed to get up.

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You're supposed to do all these things and no not at all Gary

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Vaynerchuk is another great example.

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He's up at 6 a.

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I'm not getting up at 6 a.

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But he's up at 6 a.

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m He's working out by 7 with his personal trainer.

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I usually does 45 minutes to an hour He doesn't have a super specific workout.

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He does They just based the work out on, what he ate, how much he's

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been traveling, stuff like that.

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Just, normal stuff.

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after his training, he sends his kids off to school And he

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starts his workday around 9am.

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the thing is, all of these people who are very successful, who are names

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that we know, they're not trying to dump everything into the morning.

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They're being very smart about their morning routine.

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They're prioritizing the things.

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You're the most important to them.

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So if you are struggling with your morning routine, if it's not working

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for you, and instead you are finding that no matter how much you plan out,

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your day is absolutely falling apart by lunchtime, I want to encourage

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you to look at those three things and ask yourself, which of those three?

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What are you doing?

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Which ones are actually having a negative impact on you?

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Three quick notes before we wrap up today.

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Number one, if you enjoyed today's episode, got some value out of it.

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Please share with someone else so they can also get that benefit.

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Number two, I do have a couple of limited spots available right now.

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for a free roadmap call.

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This is a no obligation call.

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we're going to help you map out what it would look like for you to be able

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to start creating these routines and building Unshakable Habits for yourself.

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So if that's something that you're interested in, make sure you

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head over to UnshakableHabits.

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com and click on the book a free roadmap call, or you can also use

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the link down in the show notes.

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And finally, be sure that you tune in on our next episode because we're

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going to be talking about how to create the perfect morning routine.

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With that guys, as always, I remind you that while none of us are born

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unshakable, we can all become unshakable.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Own Your Calendar: Aligning Your Business & Life Goals
Build Unshakable Habits For Health, Mindset, Relationships, Faith, and Professional Growth

About your host

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Stephen Box

Stephen is the Founder of Unshakable Habits and the host of Own Your Calendar. He's on a mission to show that you can build a thriving business without losing your mind (or your weekends). As a productivity and health coach, Stephen helps online business owners, coaches, and course creators ditch burnout, reclaim time, and align their business with a life they love.